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6 Benefits of Advertising in Email Newsletters

Your target audience is welcoming newsletters in their email box every day. Find the right e-newsletters for placing ads and you are speaking directly to your best potential customers. Advertising in email newsletters is one of the most effective and least expensive forms of advertising. Here are six benefits of email newsletter advertising programs.

1. You get more precise targeting than almost any other advertising option

Many professionals subscribe to e-newsletters to keep up-to-date with the latest news on their industry. The more specifically you can define your target market, the better your chances of success. When the audience of an e-newsletter closely aligns with your target market, you have a much greater prospect of generating business leads

2. Newsletter ads are an inexpensive way to reach your niche market

Place your ads in well-targeted e-mail newsletters and you increase your visibility without the expense of building a list, maintaining a list and creating content. The return on investment (ROI) for e-mail marketing continues to far surpass other channels. According to a report from the Direct Marketing Association, e-mail’s ROI (which includes ads in e-mail newsletters) returned $48.06 in revenue for every dollar spent. By contrast, non-e-mail Internet marketing delivered only $19.94 for every dollar spent.

3. An email newsletter gets your message past SPAM filters

SPAM continues to be a big problem for e-mail marketing. When you place your message into an opt-in e-mail newsletter, you are in an e-mail message recipients welcome. According to Forester, more than 22% of people trust an e-mail message for which they have registered. Only 2% trust e-mail from a new source. Just make sure you are dealing with a reputable publisher with a strong opt-in approach to building lists.

4. Email newsletters reach your target audience anytime and now anywhere

People check their e-mail everywhere these days; on a lap-top on the train, at a cyber-café, even on mobile devices. If you have a mobile-device-reading audience, make sure the e-newsletter publisher has the correct tools for delivery. In BlackBerry devices, for example, many links appear broken. For more information on sending to the mobile-devices, visit our how to advertise in email newsletters page.

5. Email newsletters provide a lead generation channel with trackable results

You can easily track clicks from an email newsletter ad. With the correct set of metrics on your Web site, you can monitor the actions people responding to specific ads. Example: build a campaign encouraging ad responders to self-identify themselves – by completing a form. Enter the responders name into your CRM and measure the specific ads’ generated revenue.

6. E-mail newsletter ads generate quality leads

Forbes conducted an Ad Effectiveness Survey in 2009. The Forbes survey revealed that e-mail and e-newsletter marketing were the second-most effective tools for generating conversions. A conversion occurs when an ad-responder takes the action you want (purchasing a product, supplying contact information, etc.). Respondents to the Forbes survey said that the most effective tools for generating conversions were:

  • SEO 48% effective
  • E-mail marketing 46% effective
  • Pay-per-click 32% effective