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How to Use Social Media to Promote Newsletters

Even in today’s social media-crazed world, newsletters can be a powerful marketing tool, if done correctly. Many bloggers even report building readership through their newsletter program.

While newsletters can help promote your social media, it works in the reverse as well. You can use social media to build your email newsletter program.

Here are some specific tips:

Using Slideshare to Market Newsletters

SlideShare is a very easy to use online tool for posting a PowerPoint or similar slide show. Visitors view the SlideShare postings through their browser.

When you write a topical email newsletter article, put together a short SlideShare presentation showcasing the article’s themes. Make sure you tag it appropriately with relevant keywords. On the last slide, promote your email newsletter.

Use LinkedIn to Market Newsletters

Once you’ve built your LinkedIn network, you can use it to support your email newsletter program in several ways.

  • Pose a question to your network to gather editorial content. You can ask a question on LinkedIn regarding a relevant topic in your industry. Then provide a summary of the best responses in your next email newsletter
  • When you are working on an interesting article, you can talk about the subject in your regular updates to your LinkedIn network and provide a link to your subscription page
  • If you post SlideShare presentations within your LinkedIn account, promote your email newsletter on the last slide with a link to your subscription page.